Holistic Coaching
Therapy Options
Now is the time to take action!
Affordable Services are hard to find and often have long waitlists.
We are a 5-star company that prides
ourselves on being affordable and accessible.
Act Now & Receive (housing cost is separate)
1 hour-long session per week for 4 weeks ($160 value).
Access to Coaches by text as a preventative support. ($320+ value)
1 Free Positivity Journal
($55 value)
Case Management weekly ($400+ value)
1 Psycho-educational group session per week ($200+ value)
~Approximate Total Value $935 value!
Only $475 plus bed type (see payments)
(Over 50% off)

YOU: "I need residential services but, I can't afford it."
HolisticCoaching: "No worries, we have affordable options!"
Residential Options

Holistic Coaching Treatment Center has virtual, in-home and in-person
individual therapy, mental health maintenance, and medication maintenance.
We currently have a free psycho-educational support group waitlist forming.
Now we have coupled those individualized services with our housing services.
Our Housing - Therapy Package includes:
*An entire month of Holistic Coaching Sober housing
*Fully Furnished *Laundry On-site *Close to Meetings *Streaming TV
*Regular staff oversight
*Daily/Random Urinalysis & Breathalyzer Drug/Alcohol Screens
*Outings - Groceries, Meetings and Socialization Time - Transportation Provided
Individualized Day Program or Virtual therapy services are provided at the Holistic Coaching Treatment Center main office in St Pete, FL.
*Day Program services are usually scheduled
from 8:30am and 3:30pm M-F
*Transportation can be provided to and from services.
*Community Reintegration Assistance
*Case Management Resource Referrals
*Structured Weekends
*Outpatient aftercare housing and therapy services are also available!

1 hr
70 US dollars